Join us in on Wednesday 18 December 2024 in the Southwest Calgary community of Glenbrook to participate or just celebrate the Holiday Season with us.
This year because of icy conditions instead of running we will be going on a short walk. Just come out and get into the holiday mood in some fresh air!

Join us on the morning of Wednesday 18 December 2024.
Third Schools West Campus
3311 49 St SW
Calgary, AB T3E 6M6
Welcome: 09:30 am
Warm Up: 09:45 – 10:05 am
Walk Begins: 10:15 am
We look forward to seeing you there “with bells on!”
What is Run Santa Run!?
Run Santa Run is a fun fundraising event in support of Third Academy – – a school for children with special education needs, LYNX – – our nature inspired program in Calgary, Cochrane, and Okotoks, and our Home Based Education Programs through ursa – Combined, we provide quality services to over 1200 ECS children and Grade 1-12 students in Grades 1 to 12 in Alberta and throughout the world.

Our first Run Santa Run! was held in 2010, with over 250 participants. This year we are expecting 300 participants who want to have fun in the spirit of Christmas and assist families to access quality educational services. Yes, we will all have the chance to dress up in Santa hats and walk or run… kinda silly, but why not!
All funds raised through Run Santa Run! 2024 are earmarked for enhanced programming for Third Academy, LYNX, and ursa students. We believe our programs should be accessible to all that would benefit from them, irrespective of a family’s financial circumstances.
Third Academy International Ltd. – also known as Third Schools – – is a registered charity #88694 2085 RR0001. At Third Schools, ‘It’s education, your child’s way’.
Whether its $1, $50, or $5,000, it all adds up in the end. Through your participation, “together, we will make a difference” in the life of a child. Ask your friends, relatives, and the public to benefit our students by making a charitable donation.
Cash, checks, and credit/debit card donations will be accepted at the event. Charitable donation receipts for income tax purposes will be mailed for all donations above $20.
Can’t attend? Donate online by credit card through Canada Helps. Our registered charity name is Third Academy International Ltd. – more commonly known as Third Schools. Click on the logo below to go to our page on Canada Helps.